BEARS! The bears are threatening my recreational writing career. They use their psychic bear power (with a slight mix of their razor sharp death claws) to prevent me from keeping up on my blog. You can tell by this picture that this bear has malicious stop-Angela-from-writing intentions by the way he causally sniffs a dead tree pretending he has no idea who I am.
Or it could be that I've gotten lazy. Or that I had about 500 pages of reading to do for class last week. I normally don't have THAT much, but classes are keeping me pretty busy. The messed up part is I only have two of them. If I only had 2 undergrad classes, I could write a novel in my spare time, but instead I'm trying to fill a couple paragraphs of blog after a month of school.
John and I did have a fun summer. We saw a lot of bears as evidenced by this picture of a bear. One of them came right up to John and introduced himself. Or he might have been pissed off because he was trying to catch a baby dear and he was distracted by a giant man on the side of the building.
There was also lots of campfires. Lots..... of campfires. But those aren't very exciting to talk about. Here's more bears.
Exhibit A |
Exhibit B |
Exhibit C |
Exhibit D (Exhibit C's twin.... or the same bear) |
Exhibit.... oh wait, that's my boyfriend |