Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tampons Don't Grow on Trees

It's amazing to me how some people can drive 2 hours from civilization to 'get away from it all' and enjoy nature and then be completely distraught when a small middle-of-nowhere market doesn't have something they apparently can't live without.  If something is that essential to someone's well being, it seems like they would have thought to pack it before they headed 2 hours up a mountain.  There is no Wal-Mart in the woods.  We just don't have the resources to knock down some 1,000 year old Sequoia trees to build one yet. 

We've been out of ibuprofen and Tylenol pretty much since I started working a few weeks ago and I feel like I hear about it everyday.  Most of these people only seem minorly inconvenienced and I feel kind of bad for them because I love my Advil.  However, the biggest tragedy lately is that we ran out of tampons.  To some people, this is inexcusable.  One lady was so annoyed and upset, I felt like she was accusing me of withholding them from her on purpose as if I enjoyed seeing her suffer.  She was complaining that all we had was pads and "do you have any idea how hard it is to hike in these?"  I don't think she has any idea how long it takes for delivery trucks to make their way up the hill.  Shit happens.  We run out and it takes like a week or longer to get more. 

Even so, I can forgive a cranky bleeding woman for getting annoyed with me but the most perplexing thing to me is when we run out of large ice.  There were many people who seemed extremely put out and inconvenienced when I told them we were out of 20 pound bags of ice.  As someone was buying three 7-pound bags (which are the SAME price per pound), they asked "when are you getting more 20 pound bags in?"  to which I replied "I'm not sure" but my eyes said "what does it matter?  It's the same fucking ice." 

We also ran out of marshmallows.  Surprisingly, no one seemed quite as upset over that as not having a big ass bag of ice.  Next time someone bitches about ice, I should offer to open three 7-pound bags and dump them into a garbage bag so that the ice is all together in one bag.  Apparently that's very important.  Ice must work better when in the company of more ice.  I had no idea it was such a social creature.  I could've have sworn it was just frozen water. 

We'll probably run out of milk soon.  The only bitching I'll tolerate is from John because we go through it pretty fast. 



delilah said...

Aww... that's love. Tell them there's 20lb of ice at the very top of the mountain.... lol. Glad you guys are together!

Robyn said...

Angela..don't you know by now that if Vince is in charge nothing will change. Vince has no clue as to how to order. You mean you haven't run out of milk yet. That is another classic Vinceism as he cannot foresee the future. All he cares about is BBQing and.... It was time for us to leave and not to live thru another summer of Vince. Loved your essay.