Monday, December 26, 2011


I've been thinking lately about prayer and what makes it worthwhile.  If I think logically about prayer, it doesn't seem to make sense at all.  I mean if God is all knowing, all powerful and has a plan, why would I want to ask for things that could possibly mess up that plan?  At best I could feel neglected with unanswered prayers and at worst, he could actually give me what I wanted and mess up his perfect plan.  But I discovered prayer isn't really about asking for things.  Prayer is more about shaping me and my character than changing the mind of God. 

If I pray alone, it helps me to be grateful for the things I have, it helps me to think about the needs of others and keep them in my thoughts, and it helps me voice my concerns about whatever is going on in my life.  Sometimes it gives me a sense of direction and purpose.  If I pray with another person, it makes me feel less burdened to know that someone else is involved in my concerns.  If I pray in church, it gives me a sense of community and a reminder that we are all in this together. 

The most valuable format of prayer I experienced was during my time in Greenville.  A person would offer up an issue in their life and the pastor would simply say "For this person, who is dealing with this..." and the congregation would respond with "Lord have Mercy".  We didn't tell God what we prefer he do about the situation, it was simply offering the problem to God. 

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